Can You Get Teeth Whitening on Sensitive Teeth?Feb 14, 2025Teeth whitening is a popular method of getting a brighter smile, but is that something you can consider if you have sensitive teeth? Read on to find out if it’s possible and how we can help.Continue reading →
5 Common Tooth Brushing Mistakes to AvoidJan 18, 2025Brushing your teeth is a simple but effective way to help keep your teeth healthy, but not everyone knows how to do it properly. Let’s go over some common mistakes and what you can do to correct them.Continue reading →
How Long do Dental Implants Last?Dec 17, 2024Dental implants have become prevalent for replacing missing and badly damaged teeth, but how long does it stay in good shape before needing replacement? Read on to find out more.Continue reading →
Are Dental Makeovers a Good Gift Idea?Nov 11, 2024Dental problems can lower your self-esteem if the issues affect how your teeth look. If you know someone struggling with these issues, consider getting them a dental makeover.Continue reading →
What to Do If Your Dental Crown LoosensOct 15, 2024Dental crowns are a common way to protect or replace teeth due to several tooth problems, but there are ways they can become dislodged or loose. Read on to find out what to do when it happens. Continue reading →
What Can I Do for a Fractured Tooth?Sep 04, 2024Tooth damage happens for many reasons, and treating it depends on the cause and severity. Fractured or cracked teeth are common; learn how to deal with them until you get to a dentist.Continue reading →
Am I Too Old for Invisalign?Aug 15, 2024Teeth can become misaligned for many reasons, and clear aligners like Invisalign are an option for managing the problems associated with this issue. But is there a point where you become too old for the treatment to be effective? Continue reading →
3 Ways to Brighten Your Smile Before a Big EventJul 17, 2024Problems that affect your teeth impact your willingness to share your smile with the world, and that can affect your confidence with the people around you. Here are some ways to whiten your teeth to make your smile brighter.Continue reading →
Can My Teeth Shift After My Invisalign® Treatment?Jun 17, 2024Invisalign® has become a popular form of dental brace for straightening teeth, but how long does it last, and can your teeth shift after the initial treatment? If they do move, what can you do about it?Continue reading →
Beyond Brushing: 5 Invaluable Benefits of Daily FlossingMay 28, 2024Dental care is vital for your long-term overall health, and you can preserve teeth through regular checkups and everyday tasks like brushing and flossing. Brushing is important, but let’s look at the reasons to floss teeth every day.Continue reading →
All-on-4® vs. Dentures: Which Restorative Solution is Best for You?Apr 08, 2024We deal with damaged or missing teeth for many reasons, and there are several restorative solutions to manage these issues, including All-on-4s and dentures. So, how do you choose the best option for your needs?Continue reading →
5 Reasons to Consider a Dental MakeoverMar 02, 2024Smiling is something we do to express joy, affirmation, or approval, and when you don’t feel confident enough to smile, it’s time to try a dental makeover. Here’s what we can do to help you smile again.Continue reading →
Why Do Teeth Lose Their Whiteness with Age?Feb 06, 2024Your teeth change over a lifetime, including their development through childhood and permanent growth in and through adulthood. But what changes lead to teeth losing their whiteness as we get older? Continue reading →
The Importance of Professional Cleanings - Even If You Brush and Floss DailyJan 19, 2024Brushing and flossing are essential to maintaining healthy teeth, but they are not the only things you need to keep teeth in their best shape; professional dental cleanings are also important for teeth, and here’s why. Continue reading →
I Have Severely Gapped Teeth: Is Invisalign Right for Me?Dec 14, 2023Misalignment of teeth is a problem that millions struggle with and can affect your speech, eating, and self-esteem. Gapped teeth are a form of tooth misalignment, but is Invisalign the way to treat it? Read on to find out.Continue reading →
4 Advantages of All-on-4Nov 10, 2023Over time, millions of people find themselves without teeth for various reasons, making basic tasks like chewing and speaking more difficult. All-on-4 dental implants are a great choice to help with missing teeth, and here’s why. Continue reading →
Regular Teeth Cleaning is About More Than White TeethOct 06, 2023When we think of healthy teeth, we imagine a bright, shining smile with perfect white teeth. But dental health is more than white teeth, and regular teeth cleaning helps in more ways than you might think.Continue reading →
5 Symptoms of a TMJ DisorderSep 01, 2023Your jaw helps you ingest food and form words, and problems with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder can make both more difficult over your lifetime if not treated properly. Read on to learn the signs. Continue reading →
Bleeding While Flossing: A Sign of Gum Disease? Aug 15, 2023Your gums are the vital tissue in your mouth that house your teeth and attach to your jaw, helping to keep everything stable for chewing and digestion. If you deal with bleeding while caring for your gums, does it indicate disease? Continue reading →
Foods and Drinks to Avoid After Your Professional Teeth Whitening TreatmentJul 26, 2023You’ve finally invested in professional teeth whitening — but the work’s not over when you leave our office. Keep reading to discover your role in helping your teeth whitening treatment last for the long haul. Continue reading →